Sunday, 24 November 2013


Chalkboards are no longer just for the classroom. In fact, it seems they are being used less and less in schools and more and more in the home! Has blossomed into a full-fledged design craze. 

We explore the many ways that chalkboard paint, also known as blackboard paint, can add interest to your home or  project for any public venue. A fun way to personalize any space. 

Chalkboard is available in many shades of color and is also very easy to accomplish. Here you will find useful instructions for use

From my point of view, however, is the black which gives it the charm that we can see in the pictures that follow.
The idea is really brilliant because it allows you to create or renew any area in an original way. I'm sure cha after reading this article, in your mind will be flowering dozens of ideas and the desire to try.
It's great to work on a fun project like this but really hard to find all the elements you need to put one together So we've done  a thorough search and collected some of the fonts that we think work really well in this style, so we've put together some resources, fonts, ornaments, borders and other calligraphic elements to help get you started

here as a coffee bar can become a place to remember

this project by Jute Interior design is definitely my favorite
and makes it perfectly the idea of the potentialities of this technique

even the ceiling can be tapped as a decorative element
What do you think of the new office of Pocket Change 
Located in San Francisco's 
designed by Blitz? Is hip and very much  eye-catching!

But also in an apartment you can use Chalkboard Paint we see some ideas:

Chalkboard Paint in the Living Room
What about chalkboard paint in the living room? Believe it or not, the design possibilities in this space are endless. Take the room below, which uses chalkboard paint to create a canvas for a drawing of classical pillars. In fact, the architectural sketches create a wallpaper effect, adding dimension to the space. 

... to revive an old door
... or an old piece of furniture
...or customize a wall with a series of small checks

Chalkboard Paint in the Kitchen
For a classic blackboard effect, turn one kitchen into a French café by creating an elegant framed chalkboard on your wall 
courtesy from Pottery Barn

courtesy from Apartment Therapy

courtesy from Apartment Therapy
Chalkboard Paint in the bed room
combine the elegance of a headboard with a personalized message on the wall or a entertaining decoration
Photo by Kim-Christie
courtesy by Design Idea

Chalkboard Paint in the Bathroom
transform an anonymous bathroom in a bathroom design? look at the pictures below and think about how they would be anonymous these baths without the addition of these details


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very inspiring :-)
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